Monday, January 31, 2011

Where to Shop to Avoid GMOs

Just found this: a good source for human food (as opposed to Zombie Food)!  While I'm sure some of these companies make organic BARF, they have made the non-GMO promise.  A word, though, on Whole Foods and a couple others: they have agreed to NOT fight Vilsack and his zombie-making  GOONS activity by saying that organic can live in peace with GMOs.  It won't be a big stretch for me to not shop at Whole Foods, as I do almost none of that (they're shifty in other ways), but this will make me REALLY not want to shop there.

I think it's really important to have sources of food that will not make you and your loved ones into Zombies, so outside of growing your own food, these companies have pledged to stay away from GMO foods.

Oh, and so far the knee exercises are going quite well with no negative repercussions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting in Shape to Outrun the Undead

As we don't quite know when the undead will actually rise and start coming after us, it's a good idea to get in shape so we won't become victims ourselves.  Shufflers are pretty easy to outrun, but when the switch hits (my guess is that it will be TSA inspired) and shufflers turn into rage, we had better be ready to RUN.

I have the misfortune to have gummed up lower limbs, feet, knees, hips, toes, everything.  If someone wants to use me for spare parts, they had better use my mouth, as my teeth and lips are the best engineered part of the whole package. In any case, I need to get my legs so I can run and jump (in other words, escape the rage zombies), as this can't be done in my current state, I had better get cracking before spring.

Societies where people squat down close to the ground with a greater than 90 degree angle flexion of the knee have virtually no need for knee and hip replacements (which I will be due for in <30 years) and very low instances of arthritis.  So, my plan is to squat in the same deep manner as these people in hopes of breaking up the arthritis, and in the meantime, strengthening my knees.

Also involved in the plan is more jumping, for power, height and distance.  There will also be carrying drills, as, if I'm in the airport when the TSA zaps one too many shufflers, I gotta run, and will likely want my bag.

I'll keep you posted on how this works out.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Soy = Zombie Food?

I must be very, very clear on one point with this post: Sally Fallon is a freak and a kook, but she appears to have done her homework for this article:

I've never been a big fan of soy in the first place, miso is pretty yummy, and roasted soy nuts are an occasional treat for road trips, but soy is really not on the menu at our house and never has been.  We once had a bag of edamame that we got from a friend's freezer clean-out, and that was ok (except for the constant confusion with that and lima beans, which would make things quite unexpectedly icky), but for the most part, there's little to no use for it here.  Even in Asian cooking that we do here, it's only a condiment (as in: miso and soy sauce).

Soy isolate is used widely in the diet industry as a low-calorie form of protein, and as such has wide acceptance and acclaim.  I would recommend using a whey protein product instead, if you are trying to bump up your protein intake.

If you read the article, the parts about what soy given to infant males and females of the human variety are scary:  we, as a nation, are giving our kids zombie-feed right off the bat.  This is another instance of greedy big-ag manipulating the GOONS into pushing the ZA one step closer to fruition.  To allow soy products such a place of pride in school lunch programs will likely also have a similar effect, but we're talking about school kids anyway, and most of them are generally rage-zombies anyway.

This is a good case to recommend breast-feeding when you can, and teaching your kids to cook and eat real foods, and another reason to pack your lunch.  Don't help big ag and the GOONS turn your kids or you into zombies: shufflers or rage, it's all just no good, avoid the soy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hindering, not helping

A friend of mine today sent me this:   I read it, and of course it made my head hot.  This is a steady, direct step in the decline of the American populace.  We now have the GOONS giving overt approval to the masses to stop fighting for their health.  Me thinks this is only a conspiracy theory in theory, but is now a conspiracy in practice.  So, let's get this line of thought straight (I probably need a Venn diagram for this): The public moves from a simple, agrarian lifestyle to a considerably more sedentary lifestyle. Big Ag gets subsidies from GOONS to produce BARF and make it widely available and cheap to the public.  The public gets sick from these two things.  The public needs medications to maintain their chronic diseases caused by BARF and gets them from Big Pharma (who is often owned by Big Ag), who pays quite a bit to the GOONS and uses dirty tricks to make drugs a "necessity".  The GOONS take Big Pharma's money (under direction of Big Ag) and money from the public to create food "safety" laws that make it more difficult to eat something other than BARF.  And the public keeps turning the handle on the gristmill of their own doom.

Now that we have a sick,  overweight population, dependent on drugs, made sicker by this cycle, the GOONS see that the fight to stay healthy might be something the public might possibly win, so the GOONS take incentive away to even try.

The tumblers are turning in the lock, and soon we'll be locked into an inescapable ZA.  I guess it's in our favor that if the zombies are big enough, they might be slow enough to out-run.  Can each of us help at least one person from being labeled as "disabled"?  Can each of us help at least one person avoid their zombie fate?  It might be worth it to try.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dirty Tricks

This is a bit how the drug companies work.  It's scary and it's putting a burden on the healthcare issue in America.  Doctors will eat up what the machine tells them to, but fear and fight something with an incredibly low profit center.  Calcium supplements, or in the diet, alone do not prevent bone loss.  One needs several minerals, attained through a varied diet that includes many different vegetables, dairy and meat products with a good dose of vitamin D.  How much is a good dose?  Current recommendations are .75mg for ever kilo of weight you are.  If you are a big person, that seems like a lot, but there is no reliable upper limit to vitamin D.  However, if you take too much, you can get at tummy ache.

Why is this not actively embraced by the medical community? because there simply is no profit in it.  Doctors are heavily influenced by drug companies who in turn are in bed with Big Ag, who are all in bed with the GOONS.

Do you see the cycle?  Chuck a rock at the cycle, stay healthy on your own and take responsibility for your own health.  Get off the bus that's hauling you to the ZA.  Eat real food, be physically active, and keep thinking critically.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

what to achieve in 2011?

We all have great plans for this year, the thing I would ask is doing all these wonderful things, taking such wonderful actions, what is the ultimate set of goals to achieve?  I find that I don't so much care for New Year's resolutions, but finding a time to sigh and rest, gather energy and resources after a hectic time allows me to identify what I would like to achieve for the next 12 months of the calendar year.

Right now, I have no answers, only questions to ponder on.  The first thing, though, is to streamline and declutter in the house.  Once that is achieved, there will be space to create and do.