Wednesday, May 18, 2011

is it going to trip you when the zombies come?

we are in the season of little things and emergence of the new.  If your tank is empty, refill it in the garden, where things are coming up, getting leaves, and becoming what they were meant to become all along.  It's also time to assess what to keep and what to dismiss.
Assess what you have, and look at what you need, does what you have further your gain, does it help you get by day to day, or is it just taking up space?  Is it somethong you are hanging on to because someone will make you feel guilty if you send it on its way?  Most importantly, will it help you survive the ZA?  or will it trip you?
Now, I come from a long and strong line of vetran crap-hoarders, but I fight against that tendency every day that I can.  There are hoarder months and bulldozing months for me as I fight genetics and learned behavior.  In recent times, I am applying a "use it or toss it" mentality much more than in the past.  It has made my garbage service less than thrilled with our household, but that's what they get paid for.
We endeavor to use everything at least twice before discarding it (although SOME things are very strictly one use items and will NOT be used twice.... no matter what), and to stem the tide of frivolous spending when those resources could be better used elsewhere.  Our grandparents lived through the Great Depression, and we can learn a great deal from them as we prepare for the ZA.  Finding the right balance of well-supplied and just having a lot of crap laying about is something each household needs to do for itself.  If I could not sew or fidget with crafty things, my primary form of entertainment would be gone.  For others, reading material is of utmost importance.
Learning to live without the television is coming easier and easier to Americans with the HD revolution where the GOONS sold out to the major entertainment corporations.  Non-electric means of making one's mind and hands busy will become more and more important. Discover what you have and what you need to dismiss, lighten the load so you can have a stronger bulwark in other places.  Start looking at what things are now and what they will grow to be: a problem or a solution?
Surviving isn't just having a pulse, it's having a life to go with it.

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