Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why in Hell We Prep

In a dim thunderclap, S.D. and I realized we're preppers, and that we're rather getting into prepping for the ZA (or as other preppers call it, when the SHTF).  I was reflecting why we do this, and first and foremost, because it's fun, really fun, actually.  We get to discover all kinds of things about ourselves and about others around us as we make our lives more snug and secure, and that's just really neat.  Secondly, it really gives us purpose and reason to keep moving forward by sometimes looking backward at how things used to be done, how it is done now and how to improve on the future process of things.

Both S.D. and I see the folks we work with daily have what we see is an incredibly drab and purposeless existences, where they work, go home, eat what they are told to do, and watch tv until it's time to go to bed when they are told to.  We build our purpose daily by turning off the instruction box and swimming upstream whenever we can, working around and against the system, doing not what we are told, but what feels right to do.  We feel purpose in forging our own lives and making them what we want.

Thirdly, we save money doing this.  I've been buying foods and produce in bulk and canning them up on otherwise lazy afternoons, foraging and gleaning has become a new hobby for me, too.  S.D. has figured out the savings on making our own alcohol from found and bulk fruit.  While I've encouraged him to keep track of expenses on this, he feels the layout of cash for equipment is something we'll just keep using.  Overall, the cost of things has been going down for us as we watch the cost of healthy food goes up all around us.

On a fourth level, we hate GMOs.  Only by being fiercely protective of our food supply can we avoid as many GMOs as possible.  This is for health reasons, not only for us, but for those around us. (more on that to come later)

So, you look for reasons, here are 4 for you.  Keep on it, stop doing what the television tells you to do, think for yourself, and start prepping.

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