Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Distraction Techniques

Awareness of what is going on around you, with the food supply your access to safe, untainted food and water is of vital importance.  Every week, our ability to get plain, ordinary, non-GMO, safe food becomes more and more difficult, but very few people seem to notice because they are being distracted by other things the GOONS and BigAg are throwing up to block the consumer from seeing what is going on in our world.  

We are seeing only what the circus masters want us to see, and if you can focus, simply by paying attention, you can see that the American public is being brought down the path of eating tainted food that is basically poison.  The senate has passed a bill that gives significant power to BigAg to attempt to be the sole provider of foodstuffs to the world.  There is pressure for all walks of society across the globe to eat what we would label a "western diet", and this is not sustainable on any level.  The western diet that we know has deeded us all environmental chronic diseases we know today, and is spreading it to other cultures across the globe.

The western diet is land-intensive on all fronts, and not a sustainable means of agriculture.  There are varied parcels of land across the globe, each unique to its own agricultural needs for its populace.  Simply because America has the Midwest and the "breadbasket of the nation", and we can grow just about anything doesn't mean that will work for other areas around the world.  

If BigAg has its way, it will control the world food supply, thereby controlling the world population.  That is something it doesn't want you to know about.  BigAg just wants you to think it's "feeding the world".  Please remember most modern famines are caused by political strife and power struggles.  The real famine will come when the misconstrued monoculture of plants is overcome by a superbug that Mother Nature will manufacture, and the GM crops fail (or IS IT Mother Nature?  Is it a power play to gain control?).  At this juncture, the planet will be so dependent on these monocultures, having lost their own cultural differences to BigAg and the GOONS, you can bet there will be an enormous wave of suffering and starvation the likes of which are beyond imagining.

Look around you, see what is happening behind the curtain, and change your food supply chain to be closer to home.  If you can control your own food supply, you can maintain your independence, and not become slave to BigAg, the GOONS and their poison food monoculture.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

They Will Try to Stop You

When preparing for the ZA, be aware that people don't want you to be prepared.  They want you to wander along like the rest of them: sheep to slaughter.  You are going to have to not only buck the sheeple trend, but you are going to have to get inventive, and perhaps a bit shifty.

We have run across people who don't aspire to survive, think the GOONS will take care of them, are lazy, are uncomfortable with anything that does not conform to what they think are societal norms, think whatever purchased at the grocery store is wholesome and good for them, that medications will always solve the problem, and that the TSA is performing a valuable service.  We're learning how to side step just about all the above and slither away from others.

Something we were told and take partially to heart is the concept of not telling anyone what you are doing.  We're telling some people some of what we have planned and some of what we intend to do.  We don't tell anyone everything (except each other, that way we get more done) and are doing much on our own.  Part of being really prepared is to do exactly what the GOONS are doing, which is showing you one (shiny) thing to distract you from another (the thing that is really going on).  If the GOONS can do it, so can we, and so can you.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Avoidance Might Just be Safest

With spring comes the thaw and reactivation of the zombie horde (as opposed to the zombie hoard, which S.D. keeps in the basement and occasionally feeds a loose neighborhood pet to), and they start going out and about.  Currently, please be aware that zombies can still drive.  Perhaps not drive, per se, but they can make a vehicle go sort of where they want it to go.  To avoid interactions with zombies driving (randomly) all about you, it is important to be vigilant and to keep your vehicle in excellent running condition.  If you hit a pothole whilst swerving to avoid a zombie in a Buick, you really do not want a vital part of your car to go flying off, leaving you stuck or stranded, far away from home, and served up to the shambling hordes.

Another important thing is to know how to accelerate.  Get quickly past those slow zombie bastards!  Be aware, though, this may be a trap that you do not want to drive into, so look ahead and, once again, be vigilant!

Know your territory.  Having a good general sense of direction is best, and knowing back roads is VITAL.  GPS units are no good at helping you avoid undead hot-spots.  Be able to exit from the highway and get to where you need to be easily, avoiding minivans full of big and little zombies going to zombie soccer practice or zombie dance class.

This is a non-traditional world, you will have to take non-traditional means to get where you need to go, when is the only variable.

To sum up:
-keep your vehicle in good repair 
-keep your vehicle full of fuel
-be vigilant
-know your territory
-it's the long one on the right.  use it.
-beware of zombie traps
-don't go into the box in the first place.  always think and be outside the box.