Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loss of Freedom

Loss of freedom is the major theme of all science fiction.  This is a literary thing explained to me years ago in lit/comp class.  Reflect on various science fiction movies, where the government has been abolished, and now "the company" or some all-powerful entity is now in charge of everything, got there in the most corrupt way, and now small pockets of resistance fight against it.  Now reflect on the state of things in America today and tell me who is getting their way...

-food is already addictive and nutrient-poor
-Big Ag is making it more and more difficult to NOT eat GMO foods
-Big Pharma is teaching MDs and CDEs it is okay to have an unhealthy physique, as one can medicate the unhealthy situation as needed
-Big Pharma and Big Ag are in bed together
-the media creates a terrifying situation for parents, making them not wish to have their kids go outside and play (thus getting inadequate physical activity and staying unhealthy)
-GOONS are threatening to remove obese children from the home to "educate" them in healthy lifestyle

Let's see what gateways are being opened by allowing the GOONS to take children out of the home, shall we?  That's just the beginning excuse, will kids be taken out of all homes eventually?  What will the kids be "taught"?  Will kids be returned to the home?  What happens if they are not?

I'm connecting the dots, and I refuse to see what the pattern is forming into, as it is too unspeakably horrifying.  I find myself in a small pocket of resistance already.  Where are you?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Putting Together Some Little Pieces

Our mother in law loves jigsaw puzzles, how tiny pieces come together to create a bigger picture.  In a general sense, I'm not a huge fan of jigsaw puzzles, but will concede that the state of affairs in the United States is looking more and more like a jigsaw puzzle that is slowly coming together to show us (who care to look) the larger picture of what is happening.  

Recently, I read an article about a proposal to take obese children out of the home and put them into foster homes, as their own parents are not fit to keep them healthy.  A proposal to take children out of the home because of a weight issue.  Wait.

We're going to back up the bus right now and review some things that are going on in America right now because of BigAg and the GOONS: food is chemically designed now to make it addictive and basically nutritionally void.  Our packaged food is based off of a GMO science that is not tested and has dubious safety implications.  We are being placated by false bread and media circuses, being turned into obese, sedentary, easily controlled zombies.  With all this going on, unless you keep your child "healthy" (read: are complacent to the state) the GOONS will take your child away.

All this while taking away self-sufficiency in droves.  

There's never a complete loss of hope, though, but the GOONS don't want you to realize it: turn off the TV, limit your screen time in all forms, get you and your family off their duffs, plant a garden, raise your own food, learn to preserve it and reject the system.  Reject the system that has created the addictive, poisonous atmosphere that would make you and yours unhealthy and obese, dependent on drugs and toxic foods, along with your family.  Reject the system that does these horrible things to TAKE YOUR FREEDOM AWAY.  Reject they system that would take your children away.  Be strong and self-sufficient on your own.

Go on, turn the computer off, take the kids, go for a walk, make a plan.

Stop reading.

Check back with us later.