Friday, December 21, 2012

I Think We Wanted Something to Happen

An observation: our power actually did go out for several hours in the wee time of the morning, and it got me thinking of the stuff I still have left to do.  I wasn't upset, because I feel pretty basically prepared for quite a bit of nonsense. 

However, I think there is a pretty big contingency that actually rather wants a cleansing apocalyptic experience to happen.  Hang tight, I'll explain (if you haven't figured our where I'm coming from already):

The GOONS are ruled by corporate bastards and the large scale monopolistic companies who bought them, it is completely corrupt and untrustworthy.  The GOONS would like to "take care" of us, but are entirely incapable of doing so, as taking care of us would make the American public dependent on the GOONS, thereby creating a slave nation.

Got it so far?  Not just a rant, it has a point.

Our society walks on eggshells, and if an individual or corporation doesn't, or won't, it is ostracized, boycotted and shunned for not catering to the weak or stupid.  If a person builds something through hard work, determination, smarts, and frequently dumb luck, that person is told they "didn't do it on their own", that no one ever built anything, it was society that built it, or at least the infrastructure that grossly assisted the building of said endeavor.

I call bullshit on the field.  People have been building large and wonderful things since there has been commerce, and I will dare to say, that commerce did a lot of heavy lifting to get those roads and infrastructure built.  To take away individual ambition is a furtherance of creating a slave nation.

This is why I think the populace wants a sweeping end of days.  The folks that want it figure that the cleansing won't get them, and will rid us of all the other flotsam in the system.  I think people are full up on corruption of governing bodies, are full up on being told to embrace all things different from themselves, while feeling guilt about the very precious and wonderful things they are in their hearts and culture.  I think folks want to go back to building a healthy society that has been sickened by catering to the weak.

There isn't an easy fix to the GOONS as they stand today, there isn't an easy fix to Big Ag, Big Pharma, and privacy hacking social media, there just isn't.  Perhaps that 's why, on some level, just want an apocalypse.

On a saner note, it won't be this winter, zombies are very slow and easily stopped in the dead of winter.  Wait until spring, (she says with a wink)

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