Monday, March 5, 2012

They Can Make a Pill for That

The GOONS are looking to approve a new obesity pill.  This ought not be any kind of surprise, the thought of "curing" an evil that is manufactured by the same systemic corruption that is looking to any means to "subdue" it.  Supposedly, we have a crisis on our hands; we do, just not the one they're (ostensibly) trying to fix.  

I think it's just another means to add another ingredient to the culmination of the ZA... a drug that influences the pleasure centers of the brain and includes an appetite suppressant?  REALLY?  If you suppress something long enough, something comes in or out from the side, remember that.

So, outlining the steps for you: 
The GOONS are in bed with everyone, BigAg, BigPharma, and the Media.  You are going to be given "food" that isn't, get confused by contradictory information on what to eat and what not to, when you DO eat, the "food" will make you addicted and sick.  Because you are sick, BigPharma is going to solve your problems by giving you more medication.  When, or if you decide to attempt (and the majority of attempts are weak at best) to walk away from "food" to eat food, it is made incredibly difficult because the "food" is manufactured to be incredibly addictive!  

All done in the name of increased sales, really, if you believe that.

So, the average American eats the "food" watches manufactured and addictive media, becomes sedentary, becomes sick, takes drugs to manage the sickness, works hard on the mill to pay for insurance to pay for the drugs that are managing the sickness, and the cycle continues.  The people are controlled.  Quite effectively, I must say.  The managing of disease continues because the population has been convinced that the cure either does not exist or is too painful to grasp, and the above said powers that be keep folks believing the cure is not worth it, because to be cured means to take back health, will and self-determination.

Let's add in my bit on top.

All is happening as said above, right?  Add in a lack of checks and balances on what chemicals are being put into the systems of the masses, the test tubes we call a nation, and add energy... perhaps energy from untested, unpublished scanning equipment put in place by the GOONS who just want to control everything.  

Remember high school chemistry and what it takes to make a chemical reaction react?  heat or energy.  

I'm not saying that the GOONS, BigAg and BigPharma want to create the ZA, but I would say that they, through their own agendas and wondrous stupidity, are doing the heavy lifting to make it happen quickly.  The control over our own fates still lies in our hands and I encourage you to grow your own food, eat as organic as you can, and put by what you can when you can, because like it or not, the tenuous control of the American people is in the hands of the GOONS.

When there is a revolt, they will take away the medication that manages the disease, and when that doesn't work, the GOONS and their minions will take away the food.  Control through starvation and deprivation.  People will do anything you want them to do if they are hungry enough.

What the GOONS (who can't manage a national budget, how in hell can they manage our lives??) haven't figured out is that their systemic poisoning of their populace is really gonna backfire, and what we have figured out is that those of us who are awake will have to do the surviving.

It's time to plan gardens, it's time to start seeds indoors, it's time to take a stand on our health.  Don't manage the disease, cure it.  Most times, the cure is in your food, the real thing.

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