Sunday, January 16, 2011

Soy = Zombie Food?

I must be very, very clear on one point with this post: Sally Fallon is a freak and a kook, but she appears to have done her homework for this article:

I've never been a big fan of soy in the first place, miso is pretty yummy, and roasted soy nuts are an occasional treat for road trips, but soy is really not on the menu at our house and never has been.  We once had a bag of edamame that we got from a friend's freezer clean-out, and that was ok (except for the constant confusion with that and lima beans, which would make things quite unexpectedly icky), but for the most part, there's little to no use for it here.  Even in Asian cooking that we do here, it's only a condiment (as in: miso and soy sauce).

Soy isolate is used widely in the diet industry as a low-calorie form of protein, and as such has wide acceptance and acclaim.  I would recommend using a whey protein product instead, if you are trying to bump up your protein intake.

If you read the article, the parts about what soy given to infant males and females of the human variety are scary:  we, as a nation, are giving our kids zombie-feed right off the bat.  This is another instance of greedy big-ag manipulating the GOONS into pushing the ZA one step closer to fruition.  To allow soy products such a place of pride in school lunch programs will likely also have a similar effect, but we're talking about school kids anyway, and most of them are generally rage-zombies anyway.

This is a good case to recommend breast-feeding when you can, and teaching your kids to cook and eat real foods, and another reason to pack your lunch.  Don't help big ag and the GOONS turn your kids or you into zombies: shufflers or rage, it's all just no good, avoid the soy.


  1. Not the breast fed, homeschooled kids, though. Like your nieces and nephew!! LOL!!

  2. yay! keep away from the soy! (I still think of it as dog food)
