Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fear This (and That and The Other Thing)

I'm getting more than a little of the perpetuation of fear in our society.  It seems more than ever, we are constantly exposed to extreme fear and paranoia over almost the most routine events.  Examples of this are legion.  The winter storm this week is just another example.  There are news stories of rushes on generators, food, water, and fuel.  It's as if a foot of snow and an inch of ice really could kill us all.  Yet this winter event is nothing new.  It's something like a 20-30 year winter event.  Big deal, that's not even a record.
    Another example.  Remember this guy?
    Notice the part where grandma was about to punch him because he was trying to steal the children?  Never mind the smoke and fire, she's scared of the guy!  What irks me the most, is the total lack of reaction to HER fear.  Not of being burned alive in a vehicle, but rather her irrational fear of the children being snatched from under her nose.  Quick reality check: how many occupied vehicle fires happen each year?  Hundreds or thousands?  Now how many children are forcibly kidnapped while under direct adult supervision (e.g. in a car seat, in an occupied vehicle)?  Dozens?  If that.
    We allow ourselves to be goaded into a life based on fear by irrational what-if scenarios.  Sadly, to "protect" ourselves, we cede critical thinking and personal freedom to make our own decisions in exchange for some kind of superficial sense of safety.
    So what can you do?  First, start if you want to be sheople or people.  Assuming you chose the latter, consider NOT taking anything you read or hear at face value.  Ask yourself the question "why" several times and layers deep before believing what you are told about your safety.  If you can't get an answer, try some investigation of your own before assigning any value to an issue or proposed idea.  We have the internet!  We have Google and Wikipedia!  Use them, but don't blindly trust them.

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